Thursday, February 11, 2010

Purple Toilet Seat Are Any Of These Funny?

Are any of these funny? - purple toilet seat

Thomas and Sarah on the floor with blood and a glass of water, dead as they die?
~ Who has his aquarium.

4 men enter a store toilet seat every purchase of a DIFF Art The next day, everyone gives for each seat. You bought a metal one, which says that every time they sit Doun, I only see a bottom freezer burn. the wood bought, always says if I feel I get the butt of the chip. with a blinking every time I have a pix of my ass. with each song telling me that if they feel that "sings" Do You See What I See? "

3 men went to an ice cream parlor that wanted to pee and asked the workers said the corridor and 2 rite da DONT turn left! Each of them left once entered AGsaid something to the host name I can not do, or the U imeedetially. 1, said juggling Ghost fire.the and he has died. 2nd, he said bteath UR for 4 min.he and he died. 3. (Boy) said: "FART in a truck ANDPAINT PURPLE FATRT" the


phartric... said...

haha that's hilarious! I laughed so hard I almost peed myself!
Star u!

Lil'Red said...

omg u have the rest of my days! THX !!!!! star4 u !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ...

Precious said...

None were funny or witty and very difficult to understand.

Wonder♥ Woman♥ To♥ The♥ Rescue♥ said...

Ha ha ha

The day my sweet daughter .... You need a star!

crayon. said...

the latter is funny how stupid

momof3 said...

ha ha

jerzeebo... said...

haha I heard from the fish, but the toilet was so much fun! Why do you ask?

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